- May 13, 2022
- Food and Beverage, Things to do
1. Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
Palace Theatre Manchester
Monday 9 May – onwards
There are…
Read MoreWhilst it’s vital that you make time for relaxing, if you want to succeed in your studies then you’re going to have to make sure you find time for revising too. Our top tips are here to help you make the most out of your examination period.
One of the most common things to happen during the examination period is that people think they have all the time in the world and can just leave revising to the last minute. This is not the case.
Planning your time is a highly effective way of making sure you get things done. Make a plan and stick to it! If you know that you work best in the morning, schedule in lots of study time before lunch so you can stay on top of things and be most productive. Be sure to plan your time around any deadlines or exam dates that are coming up, so you’re fully aware of just how much time you have left.
By scheduling study alongside relaxation activities like spending time with friends or going out for a few drinks, you’ll be able to find a healthy balance. Without a plan, you’ll feel like you have full reign to do anything and whilst this may sound fun, it’s not going to help you pass those exams.
If you know for a fact that you won’t be able to concentrate at home, then you’ll want to be able to find the right space for you to focus. If you live near a relative who is working throughout the day, you could ask if you could use their home as a revising space.
Most student libraries will have a designated ‘study hub’ that allows you to work in a separate, quiet space. Just make sure you book out a space in advance as come exam time, they’ll be packed out.
Exam time can also be pretty chaotic for librarians too. Make sure you get the relevant textbooks out of the library in time, otherwise you’ll be left empty-handed and this could cause you to miss out on important details.
If you don’t already have one, make sure you compile a list of all the books you’ve regularly used during term time so that you have them all in place should you need to refer back to them for some last-minute guidance.
Thanks to laptops, phones and tablets, we’re able to take everything with us wherever we go and this can be used to our advantage during exam time.
Type up your notes so that you can refer back to them no matter where you are. For example, if you’re waiting for a friend at the bus stop and have 5 minutes to spare then you could load up your notes and have a quick browse through.
It’s important to make sure you manage to have a proper night’s sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that young adults aged between 18-25 should sleep for an average of 7-9 hours a day.
Stick to a routine, so you’re always going to bed at a similar early time. This means you won’t waste valuable time by lying-in and you also won’t feel so sluggish when revising. Research by the Harris Health Sleep Disorders Center found that all-night study sessions ran the risk of working against students performing well and that a decent night’s sleep was actually more beneficial.
Make sure that you are eating properly. Avoid eating junk food and unhealthy snacks whilst revising as this will only help you to lose focus so instead stick to nutritious foods to help boost your productivity.
Incorporating foods such as oats, beetroot, spinach and lentils into your main meals will help aid concentration. Meanwhile, walnuts and dark fruits can be a great snack to munch on. Drink plenty of water and try to avoid coffee and energy drinks as these will dehydrate you and cause you to eventually ‘crash’ which makes it hard to remain focused.
By not getting too stressed out and remaining calm, you’ll be able to stop the pressure of exams from getting to you. If you put in the time to revise and know your stuff, then you’ll be fine. Do not underestimate the power of a break. Make sure you fit in regular breaks and chances to unwind, such as meeting up with friends so that you’re not constantly with your eyes glued to textbooks trying to squeeze in so much information. Remember to take time to de-stress, you’ll come back feeling ready to learn and refreshed!
If you’re looking for some more suggestions on how to get by in university, then be sure to check out the rest of the CRM Students blog which includes revision tips and more.
Credits to: CRM Students
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